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时间:2022-10-19 00:04:06 作者:学习啦 字数:2829字


Writers like to write stories




Who is your favourite writer?───谁是你特别喜欢的作家?

He was a good writer, but he sold out and now just writes for money.───他曾是个好作家, 但后来背弃了原则,现在只是为钱而写作了.

He is not so much a journalist as a writer.───与其说他是个新闻工作者,不如说他是个作家.

In her memoirs Naomi is quick to acknowledge that her grandmother was centrally important in her venture as a writer.───娜奥米在她的回忆录里开篇就承认,在她尝试创作的过程中,她的祖母起了非常重要的作用。

This mad writer kept a lobster as a pet.───这个疯狂的作家把龙虾当宠物养。

The writer finely images the hero.───作者非常细致地描述书中的英雄.

He counted himself a great writer.───他自认为是一个伟大的作家.

Users can download MP3 music files and record them directly onto a CD audio disc using a PC CD writer.───用户可以下载MP3音乐文件,然后用个人电脑上的光盘刻录机直接刻写在CD音乐光盘上。


He taught for several years before becoming a writer.

He is an editorial writer.

The writer arranges a happy ending.

The writer showed great rhetorical skill.

Who is your favourite writer?