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时间:2022-10-19 12:00:46 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2699字


Isn't it cute


很可爱───Very cute;它───it


Young kangaroos are very cute.───袋鼠幼仔非常可爱。

They are very cute animals.───它们是非常可爱的动物。

The baby is plump and very cute.───那个婴儿白白胖胖的,十分可爱。

She opens up her eyes and likes to hold on to our fingers and does a lot of very cute baby things.───有时候睁大眼睛,她喜欢抓住我们的手指,什么可爱的小动作都会。

In fact at this point not as good as film former, at least in front of that robot is very cute, very round Pass the whole story.───事实上在这一点上本片还不如前者,至少前面那个机器人很可爱,整个故事也坳得很圆。

Art works in child care, child care can be shown in many adults seem to smile very cute image.───在幼儿美术作品中,幼儿可以表现出许多成人看起来即可笑又非常可爱的形象。


Like a flower bud about to open a child laughing face, very cute.

The baby is plump and very cute.

You are very cute, but you can not get by in this world by looking endearingly at people.

The little girl is very cute.

At three or four weeks, rabbits really are very cute.