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时间:2022-10-19 16:05:28 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3304字






he had a complete set of the Infa? Mous Bibles, individually named from error's in typesetting.───他有一整套的错版圣经,都根据排版时的错误而单独命名。

In typesetting, a measure equal to half the width of an em.───在排版技术中, 等于全身一半宽度的一种测量单位.

We use laser typesetting to ensure high speed and quality printing.───我们用激光排版以确保高速度高品质的印刷.

Ms. Reidy at Simon&Schuster says she has brought functions such as typesetting in-house to boost efficiency.───舒斯特公司的雷迪女士表示她已引入内部排字等机能来提升效率。

In typesetting, a point system of measurement equivalent to twelve points or 4.217 mm.───排版技术中, 等价于12点或4.217毫米的一种活字大小单位的度量制.

Character: Any letter, figure, punctuation mark or symbol in typesetting.───字符: 排字时所用的任何字母 、 数字 、 标点、和符号.

Activity skilled computer operators, office software and typesetting experience.───※计算机操作熟练, 有办公软件排版经验.

Character styles help ensure that typesetting guidelines applied consistently.───字符样式有助于确保排版格式的一致性.


The processing required to convert the typesetting format to a usable format was essentially iterative and needed to be performed with care.

If this fault occurs during typesetting it should have been eliminated at the proof reading stage.

Part of the building was dedicated to computer typesetting.

Plain paper typesetting is a term that crops up now and again in conjunction with desktop publishing.

An initial estimate was made of the typesetting combination responsible for the character.