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时间:2022-10-19 20:05:16 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2813字


I'm a foodie




As a foodie, I will tell that it's difficult to look at food as fuel, rather than entertainment.───作为一名美食家,我会说,比起把食物当成一种乐趣,更难把食物当成能量。

hugely popular blog the Skint Foodie chronicles how Tony balances his love of good food with living on benefits.───广受欢迎的博客《吝啬的美食家》记录了托尼是如何平衡他对美食的热爱和靠救济金生活的。

This article a few ways to become involved and become a Slow Foodie yourself.───以下提供了一些方法让你轻松成为慢食主义者.

Foodie tourism has a new player: Vermont and its artisan cheese makers.───美食旅游业有一支新的生力军: 佛蒙特州及其乳酪制作师傅.

Of course, as a foodie, I can't shake this "try everything once" mentality.───当然,即使我作为一个好吃的人,也不想尝便每一样东西。


Other neighbourhoods in the city offer foodies a choice of Chinese, Portuguese or Greek food.

Michael Caine is an avid foodie who owns a string of restaurants.

To be in the ranks of the Foodie Fascists is, quite frankly, the living end.

Alas, I grew up and became a foodie.

As a bit of a foodie, all of these lessons were absolutely enlightening.