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时间:2022-10-19 20:05:41 作者:美篇推荐 字数:3567字


Far away and near


儿孙───Children and grandchildren;近在身───Close to the body


They worry about their pensions and healthcare, and the job security of their children and grandchildren.───他们担心自己的养老金和医疗保健, 也担心后辈的工作保障.

I live with my children and grandchildren.───我与儿子和孙子们住在一起。

She is now awaking, talking and looking forward to spending time with her children and grandchildren.───现在,她苏醒过来了,能谈话, 与她的孩子和孙子们欢度在一起.

" DI robbed me of half my genetic history, and it robbed my children and grandchildren too. "───“ 人工授精剥夺了我一半的基因历史, 也剥夺了我子女和孙子女一半的基因历史. ”

We are setting up a world for our children and grandchildren that may be extremely turbulent.───我们正在为子孙后代建造的世界也许是极其动荡的世界.

After the death of an elderly person, children and grandchildren should put on mourning apparel.───老人去世后, 儿孙们要披麻戴孝.

They are all my children and grandchildren.───他们都是我的儿孙。

It may cause illness that could be passed on to our children and grandchildren.───它还可能引起某种疾病,而这种疾病又可遗传给我们的子孙后代.


Yet none of his children and grandchildren are as interesting as the old monster.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi celebrated the start of the 110th Congress Thursday with members' children and grandchildren, including some of her own.

All the children and grandchildren are going to my parents' at Christmas for the annual gathering of the clan.

By doing this, I break down something that seems far-off (a beautiful big house to retire in and for my children and grandchildren to enjoy) into smaller pieces that I can do right now.

The results turned out that living with children and grandchildren is also the main living arrangement, but its percentage is declining, meanwhile that of living with spouse only is rising.