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时间:2022-10-20 16:01:26 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:2805字


The pigs under the tree


树下───under the tree;猪───pig


We took a short rest under the tree.───我们在树下小憩。

He likes lying under the tree.───他喜欢躺在树下。

I'm sitting under the tree.───我坐在树下。

The gifts arrived in a timely fashion at my front door, already wrapped and ready to place under the tree.───这些礼物准时送到我家门前,并且都已经包装好,直接就可以放在圣诞树下面。

As they got down the stairs Becky and her parents were pleased to see that there were lots of presents under the tree for them.───来到楼下,贝基和爸爸妈妈看到圣诞树下有那么多给他们的礼物,他们高兴极了。

Although gifts are placed under the tree on Christmas Eve for the children, parents and adults do not exchange theirs until New Year's Day.───虽然,父母或家里的其他大人在圣诞节前夜把给小孩的礼物放在圣诞树下,但是直到新年他们才能互换礼物。


U is under the tree, in the shade, under which it is very nice to sit.

It's cool and shady under the tree.

He was back under the tree, smiling wistfully.

Put a slightly dangerous, do-it-yourself toy under the tree these days and you can decorate said tree with lawsuits.

He used to sit under the tree.