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时间:2022-10-20 16:03:43 作者:语文迷 字数:3031字


Yellow egg


流黄蛋───Yellow egg


Most of the protein is contained in the egg white, while vitamins, minerals, fats, carotenoids (orange/red/yellow pigments) and cholesterol are contained in the yolk.───大部分蛋白质存在于蛋清中,而维生素、矿物质、脂肪、类胡萝卜素和胆固醇则存在于蛋黄中。

There's a yellow egg near the hen's left leg.───母鸡的左腿边有一个黄色的鸡蛋。

When you're in a hurry, try 3 scrambled egg whites and 1 yolk mixed with yellow bell pepper, fresh spinach, and low-fat feta cheese—another tasty low-fat dish.───如果你赶时间的话,可以尝试三个炒蛋白和一个蛋黄,再加上黄甜椒、新鲜菠菜和低脂的菲达奶酪——另一盘低脂的美味。

Pooh found a yellow egg under some daffodils. He put the egg in his basket.───维尼在水仙花下找到了一枚黄色的蛋,他高兴极了,连忙把蛋放进篮子里。

globe lily having open branched clusters of clear yellow egg-shaped flowers; northern California.───一种开纯黄色蛋形花的球形百合,其花呈张开的枝条形簇状;生长于加利福尼亚北部。


A spiny, Asian tree ( Citrus limon ) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg - shaped fruit.

A spiny, Asian evergreen tree ( Citrus limon ) widely cultivated for its yellow, egg - shaped fruit.

The value of the grey mullet lies in its roe. At the fish market , insiders know that a squeeze of the belly shows the telltale yellow egg juice for a female; otherwise it's a male.