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时间:2022-10-20 20:06:31 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2938字


She studied Taekwondo




Can you tell me some basic rules about taekwondo?───你能给我讲讲跆拳道的基本规则 吗 ?

In 2000, South Korea grabbed three gold medals in the Olympic taekwondo.───2000年, 韩国在奥运会的跆拳道比赛中获得3枚金牌.

Who do you think will win if a taekwondo black belt fights a street fighter?───你认为跆拳道黑带和街头打架高手过招谁会赢?

In Taekwondo, it's against the rules to punch your opponent's face!───在跆拳道里, 打对手的脸是犯规的!

What are the scoring areas in taekwondo?───跆拳道的有效部位有哪些?

I'm playing for English courses and taekwondo lessons.───我正在上英语和跆拳道课。

Taekwondo fighting is a more general action at the hands of YOU!───跆拳道格斗是一款在动作上比较一般的手游!

Although the origi of taekwondo date back thousands of years, the triathlon dates back to 1978.───跆拳道的起源可追溯到几千年以前, 而铁人三项在1978年才诞生.


In 1966 the first international taekwondo federation was formed.

Knockouts are not uncommon at taekwondo tournaments.

After all, she's a top-flight taekwondo competitor herself.

Because taekwondo was originally designed as an art of self-defence, blocking techniques are highly developed and refined.

Taekwondo exists to preserve life, not to take it.