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时间:2022-10-21 08:02:03 作者:语文迷 字数:2449字


Give me a hand


膊膊───Give me a hand


My case is too heavy. I can't carry it. Can you give me a hand?───我的箱子太重了, 我搬不动, 你能帮我一下 吗 ?

I would have liked him to give me a hand, but found it embarrassing to ask.───我想找他帮忙, 又不好意思张嘴.

Excuse me, would you give me a hand?───对不起, 你能帮我个忙 吗 ?

Accountant: Boss, boss. Come over and give me a hand.───收银员: 老板, 老板, 过来,帮一下忙.

Give me a hand please, Bob.───鲍勃,请帮我一下。

Please give me a hand.───请帮我个忙.

Will you please do me a favour [ give me a hand ]?───劳你帮个忙.

Please give me a hand. I can't carry it myself.───请帮我个忙, 我自己拿不动了.


Come and give me a hand in the garden.

Stop fucking around and come and give me a hand.

Would you give me a hand?

Could you give me a hand?

Give me a hand to shift these chairs.