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时间:2022-10-21 08:02:06 作者:星火作文 字数:2700字


as sweet as crisp




Love is a fragrant flower and friendship is a sweet fruit.───爱情是一朵芬芳的鲜花,友情是一颗甜美的果实.

They say Longjing tea is pure and fragrant and has a sweetish and mellow taste.───听说龙井茶清纯芬芳,口味甘美醇和.

Champenois wines can be particularly fragrant and perfumed.───香槟酒会特别浓郁芬芳。

The fragrant nai son most famous dress designing is the black dinner jacket.───香奈儿最著名的服装设计是黑色小礼服.

This can let fragrant and the felling of strength grows up in body at that moment.───这可以让温馨和力量的感觉当下在体内成长.

The liquor is naturally alcoholized so that its quality is fresh and full, mellow and fragrant.───自然陈熟醇化,造就了酒体“清爽饱满 、 醇香袅袅”的优雅品质.

This is a major issue of fragrant personality of body.───这是体香人格的大事.

Proterties This article is shallow brown to yellow brown liquid, has fragrant air.───品为浅棕色至黄棕色液体, 气香.


Without the piercing chilliness of the snowfall, where comes the fragrant whiff of the plum blossoms.