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时间:2022-10-21 08:03:39 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2875字


Reducing corruption


降廉───Reducing corruption


So you have a choice between reducing the risk of data corruption and getting reduced performance or you can go for more performance and run an increased risk of data corruption.───所以你总是面临两种选择:要么付出性能降低的代价以降低数据丢失的风险;要么由于更高的性能,但同时也拥有较高的数据丢失的风险。

They force the disk to flush the cache at certain points which can really help in reducing the risk of data corruption.───它强制磁盘在某些时点把缓存中的数据写到磁盘盘片上,这么做的确能减小数据丢失的风险。

Though he said that it was a "top priority" of the regime, Mr. Minh admitted that reducing corruption "is hard. "───尽管范先生说遏制腐败是政权的“首要任务”,但他也承认,这“很难”。

Clearing key roads will bring security to trade, providing an economic boost and reducing corruption.───清理关键路段将有助于保障贸易安全,从而推动经济复苏、减少腐败。


The pressure is there, in other words, with or without the media, and the government continues to make progress in reducing corruption and buttressing legal and property rights.

Clearing key roads will bring security to trade, providing an economic boost and reducing corruption.