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时间:2022-10-21 20:05:07 作者:趣历史 字数:2634字


Empty top


顶帻───The top;空───empty


The top seed won comfortably.───头号种子选手轻松获胜。

She jumped off the top board.───她从高层跳板上跳了下来。

She got the top job.───她得到了那个最高职位。

No matter where you are in the organization, ultimately your job is to help the top honcho move the company forward.───无论你处于一个团体的什么位置,你工作的最终目的是协助你的老板使公司向前发展。

when leaves at the end of the meeting or in the middle, please place the receiver on the top of a table or deliver to the conference staff!───会议结束或中途离场,请将接收耳机放置于桌面或交予会议工作人员!

A crystaline stackable principle in the center on the top, which I am trying to turn into a concert hall in Iceland.───利用水晶结晶在顶部推砌的原理我想把它作成冰岛的一个音乐厅。


The rough road often leads to the top.

Write your name at the top.

Arrange the tomato slices evenly on the top.

The lake stands on the top of the hill.

Write today's date at the top of the page.