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时间:2022-10-22 16:03:31 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3007字


To be exhausted


嚬瘁───To be exhausted


In literally one minute, I realized that I needed more, that in forty years, I wanted to be exhausted by my accomplishments and efforts.───在短短一分钟里,我意识到在四十年里我需要更多。我愿意为自己的成功而奋斗。

If they were to be exhausted before we could find sufficient resources to replace them, we would have to live in entire blackout again, which is of course not what we would like to see.───如果在我们能够找到足够的能代替它们的资源之前,它们就消耗完了,我们会再次陷入全面停电的局面,这当然是我们不愿意看到的。 。

rational earthly explanations need to be exhausted before any extraterrestrial theories are even put forth.───在任何星外文明理论提出之前我们必须仔细研究每一种可能的,理性的解释。

In the semi-final meeting with the Spaniards, in which Arshavin looked to be exhausted, has forced me to ask this question.───在与西班牙人的半决赛中,阿尔沙文看起来疲惫不堪,这个现象迫使我提出这个问题。

Coming off the Orlando game while Phx had the whole weekend off. It's just natural to be exhausted and dragging on the court.───我们刚从奥兰多的比赛归来,而太阳却休息了整个周末,所以场上的筋疲力尽和行动迟缓是再自然不过的事。

But space for IPv4 addresses is running out, with the remaining 4% expected to be exhausted by spring next year.───但是,IPv4地址空间已经不多了,剩余的4%预计将在明年春天用。
