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时间:2022-10-22 20:04:44 作者:星火作文 字数:3085字


Level 4


四级───Level 4


Just passed level 4.───刚过四级。

Level 4: Testing and Quality assurance.───四级:测试和品质保证。

kernel logging to level 4.───内核日志记录调至级别4。

Maize plants exudate proline, which allows CS-4 to colonize the rhizosphere at a similar level to that of the wild-type strain.───玉米植株分泌物脯氨酸,使铯4殖民根际在同一水平,与野生型菌株。

There are 4 different control types, allowing you to select the most appropriate for your needs as you take on the 8 end-of-level bosses.───有4种不同类型的控制,使您可以选择最适合您的需要为您在8月底的一级老板认为。

In her April 8th state-of-the-city address Ms Parker said that she would be willing to draw these down to a "prudent" level.───在4月8号的述职讲话中,帕克说她愿意将剩余经费降低到“审慎的”水平。


RESULTS:The patient had fluent spoken language, which was evaluated as sensory aphasia(SA) with the aphasia severity of level 4, and had no memory or intelligence disorder.

I asked Joel's teacher if we should give him some Level 4 work.

Level 4 - Enhances the Assassins chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 8 bonus armor and returning 40% of melee attack damage to enemies.

She has also produced an assessment guide for level 4 qualifications which will be available in 1993.

Integrating SPC technology into software processes can fulfill the quantitative management of software processes, and achieve the goals of CMMI level 4 and 5.