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时间:2022-10-23 16:03:12 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3158字


New achievements


新功───New achievements


Two new achievements have been made this year.───今年我们已经取得了两项新的成就。

hope that Myanmar people could make new achievements on the path of building up their country.───祝愿缅甸人民在建设国家的道路上不断取得新的成就。

Amat wished the Iraq people new achievements on their road to national reconstruction.───司马义并祝愿伊拉克人民在重建家园的道路上不断取得新成就。

Let the children start with the international synchronization, new achievements in the future.───让孩子起步就与国际同步,成就崭新未来。

Two new achievements have been made this year. One is the carrying out of the technical* revolution.───今年我们已经取得了两项新的成就。一项是实现了技术革命。

You've listened calmly as your angry teenager or judgmental parent lambasted you for your new achievements.───你已经镇定地听取了愤怒的孩子或喜欢评价人的父母严责你新取得的成就。


These include some new achievements such as multiobjective fuzzy optimum seeking theory and model for multilayer system, definition of objective weight etc.

Adopt the evolution theory and absorb the new achievements of molecule biology, sociobiology gives a new perspective and method for human nature research.

Without any doubt these works of art must be among the new achievements of modern abstractionism.

Bio-and chrono-stratigraphic correlations between the Jiangnan Slope Belt and North China Platform are discussed on the basis of new achievements on trilobite stratigraphy from both regions.