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时间:2022-10-23 20:02:42 作者:学习啦 字数:2491字


Wall chart


挂图───Wall chart


Add those measurements to your wall chart and watch the progress.───放入这些测量你的挂图和观看的进度。

Could someone fetch me the wall chart from my office please?───有谁愿意去我的办公室替我拿一下图表?

Pelham moved across to indicate a wall chart.───佩勒姆走过去指着一张挂图。

After the publication of this wall chart, I Shu She has all the underwriters.───此挂图出版后, 已由我书社全部包销.

The friend reportedly added that Middleton and William keep a wall chart with a tally of how many times newspapers predict they will get married.───据米德尔顿的这位朋友透露,米德尔顿和威廉王子还制作了一幅统计媒体预测他俩婚期总次数的挂图。


You would make a great electronic wall chart of the Domain, eh?

How to evaluate a wall chart: 1.

Pelham moved across to indicate a wall chart.

You pin up a wall chart listing how many calories you eat each day.