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时间:2022-10-24 00:01:20 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3157字






Acerbity persimmon breed is mostly on production at present, need is acerbity hind ability edible.───目前生产上大多是涩柿品种, 需要脱涩后才能食用.

Other side shouting, the teacher on the hillside of Persimmon laugh reddening, tell us autumn came.───那边喊, 老师老师,山边的柿子笑红了脸, 告诉我们秋来到.

Unlike apples, fresh persimmon is not available year round.───与苹果不同的是,新鲜柿子不是一年四季都有。

The villagers want him hope that he festivals, they get good quality strings for him persimmon.───而乡亲们想他盼他,逢年过节, 便拿串质好的柿子供他.

There are vegetables under the arched shed , mainly persimmon and Chinese cabbage.───拱棚下面罩着的是蔬菜, 主要有柿子和油菜.

Strongly acidic food: egg yolk, cheese white sugar or persimmon, mullet fish roe dried cod, etc.───1强酸性食品: 蛋黄 、 乳酪、白糖做的西点或柿子 、 乌鱼子 、 柴鱼等.

Planted along the street holly, pine, and persimmon trees, the town green coverage rate of 40 %.───街道两旁栽种了冬青 、 松树和柿树, 全镇绿化覆盖率达到40%.

Japan is sweet persimmon production benefit is valued.───日本甜柿生产效益看好.


He stared out with that persimmon eye of his.

How calm. The persimmon orchard. Under the wintry moon.

Add dry ingredients to persimmon mixture and mix well.

Persimmon was granted exclusive rights to negotiate a purchase of the unit for an unspecified period, Trafalgar said.

The effects of different treatments on mopanshi persimmon kaki.