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时间:2022-10-24 16:03:54 作者:星火作文 字数:2818字


Do Valuation Modeling




Objective To evaluate the clinical valuation and effect of Aotaile infusion on irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ) .───目的观察评价澳泰乐冲剂治疗肠易激 综合征 的价值和作用机制.

Their work drawing has also been appraised the valuation differing.───他们的绘画作品也得到了褒贬不一的评价.

Government performance valuation proves to be offspring of development concept in certain time.───政府绩效评估内容是一定时期发展观的产物.

Experts set a high valuation on the painting.───专家对这幅画估价很高。

The valuation mode of BOQ is an International common and advanced method in pricing management.───工程量清单计价方法是国际上较为通用的一种先进的造价管理方法.

This year, we will also hold the other Customs Valuation seminars as follow.───年内, 我们还将主办以下内容的海关估价研讨会,敬请关注,欢迎垂询预约.

Surveyors carried out a valuation of the property.───鉴定人员对这处房产做了估价。

On the further regulate the business valuation of the Fund's notice.───关于进一步规范旗下基金估值业务的公告.


The valuation becomes a benchmark against which to judge other prices.