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时间:2022-10-26 00:00:51 作者:优美文章达人 字数:3057字


About the Wei, Jin, southern and Northern Dynasties


魏晋───Wei-Jin period;南北朝───The southern and Northern Dynasties


The second part of this paper, have revealed mainly "Prestigious-Faborable" feudal official's cultural traditions and cultural backgrounds as appearing in Wei-Jin period.───本文第二部分,主要揭示了“威惠”型官吏出现的文化传统,以及魏晋时期的文化背景。

September 2002, a stolen tomb of the Wei-Jin Period was unearthed by the cultural relics office of Jiayuguan City of Gansu Province; a batch of paintings on wooden coffin and boxes were discovered.───9月,甘肃省嘉峪关市魏晋墓文物管理所在当地毛庄子发现一座被盗掘的魏晋墓,清理出一批 木棺板画和数件原为 木奁 盒的 木板画。

Which was the crucial factor of just "Prestigious-Faborable" feudal official activism in Wei-Jin period.───这一点,正是“威惠”型官吏活跃在魏晋时期的关键因素。

It was the poets in the Wei-jin Period who made aesthetic intention of "wine" .───第一次有意识地赋予“酒”意象独特审美内涵的是魏晋时期的诗人。

Later, when metaphysics and buddhism arose in Wei Jin period, the shape and bearing of an object.───魏晋时期玄佛兴起,理沟通了形与神。

Liu Shao's Jen Wu chih is a monograph on talented person research in Wei-Jin period, including three volumes and twelve chapters in all.───刘劭《人物志》是魏晋时期以人才研究为主的专著,此书共三卷一十二篇,在人才的分类、识别和应用上进行了详细论述。
