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时间:2022-10-26 12:04:23 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2640字


Give you a hug




She gave her mother a big hug.───她热烈地拥抱了她的母亲。

Ask for a hug from a loved one.───要求爱你的人给你一个拥抱.

NIV They are drenched by mountain rains and hug the rocks for lack of shelter.───8[和合]在山上被大雨淋湿,因没有避身之处就挨近磐石.

To her mind, Lucy looked like she could do with a huge warm hug.───她认为, 露西看起来需要一个大大的热情拥抱.

Whenever I visit my grams, they always greet me with a hug.───每次我去看祖父母, 他们总是轻轻拥抱欢迎我.

You tend to niggle at your partner, and get hurt when he doesn't hug you.───你往往会对伴侣吹毛求疵,如果他不拥抱你,就感到受了伤害。

Jenny : Well, a hug. And t a stranger! You know our number.───好吧, 拥抱一下. 希望大家不要变成陌生人 哦 .你知道我家电话号码的.

Our hosts greeted us at the airport a cordial welcome and a hearty hug.───我们的东道主迎接我们在机场热烈欢迎和衷心的拥抱.


He hurries down the gangplank to hug his waiting wife.