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时间:2022-10-26 16:01:42 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2795字


At home


门口───doorway;在家───At home?


He hung his clothes out to dry on the clothesline across the doorway.───他把衣服挂在门口的晾衣绳上晾干。

Tony was so tall that he had to lean down to get through the doorway.───托尼个子很高,进门时不得不弯下腰来.

He stood awkwardly in the doorway, not sure what to say.───他尴尬地站在门口, 不知道该说什么.

Raymond's head poked through the doorway.───雷蒙德的头从门口探了出来。

Catherine appeared in the doorway, shaking with righteous anger.───凯瑟琳出现在门口, 由于义愤而浑身发抖.

He stood in the doorway, listening to her quiet, regular breathing.───他站在走道里,听着她那沉静而规律的呼吸声。

An old man shuffled out of a doorway further along the corridor.───一位老先生拖着步子从走廊更远处的一个门口走了出来。

She remained in the doorway, listening to his litany of complaints against her client.───她站在门口,听他喋喋不休地抱怨她的客户。


The doorway was so low that he had to stoop.

Mr. Jones suddenly appeared in the doorway.

The workmen are closing the doorway in.

A strange figure appeared in the doorway, clad in white.

We sheltered in a shop doorway.