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时间:2022-10-26 20:05:08 作者:学习啦 字数:2720字


Do your homework first


写作业───do homework;先───before


The common use of library computers by teenagers was to do homework.───青少年利用图书馆计算机,多半是用来做家庭作业.

Come so, moment of bridegroom season can wash the cropland on the foot to do homework.───这样一来, 新郎农闲时候就可以洗脚上田干副业.

I got him to do homework.───我说服他去做功课.

I like to do homework under the lamp every evening.───我喜欢每天晚上在灯下做功课.

Unified to do homework right.───统一做好作业。

It is too difficult for me to do homework and we have much ( homework ).───对我来说做作业很难而且我们有太多的作业.

Are you supposed to do homework every day?───你们每天都得做家庭作业 吗 ?

You'd better do homework now.───你最好现在做家庭作业。


I set my alarm for four in the morning to give myself enough time to do homework before the paper route.

Habitually we let them place a taboret and begin to do homework. I gave them several pieces of biscuit for fear that they be hungry.

Parents must recognize that if a child does not want to do homework, the child holds the trump card.