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时间:2022-10-27 00:02:38 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2563字


After dinner


追飨───After dinner


We sat about languidly after dinner.───晚饭后我们懒洋洋地闲坐着。

I'll call back after dinner.───我晚饭后给你回个电话.

He asked for a glass of port after dinner.───他饭后要了一杯波尔特葡萄酒。

He asked for a glass of port after dinner.───晚饭后,他要了一杯波尔图葡萄酒。

He always has a smoke after dinner, and makes the room smoky.───他饭后总是吸支烟, 弄得屋子满是烟雾.

His forte is after - dinner speeches.───他的特长是饭后演说.

I'll stop by after dinner and we'll have that talk.───饭后我会过去坐一会儿,到时我们再谈.

I'll stop by after dinner and we'll have that talk.───后我会过来待会儿,我们可以谈谈那件事。


After dinner, we had ice cream for dessert.

After dinner sit awhile, after supper walk a mile. 

After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a while. 

He racked all the bottles of wine after dinner.

After dinner she blew out the candles.