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时间:2022-10-27 12:01:55 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3093字


Foreign Studies


外学───Foreign Studies


much-hyped "perfume girl" finally went back to school last week after a week of online speculation.───的北外“香水女生”,在持续了一周的网上揣测后,上周最终回到学校上课。

-meter-tall Wu is a recent graduate of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. "I."───的吴怡是广东外语外贸大学的一名应届毕业生。

I appreciate that Guangdong University of Foreign Studies offer me the learning environment.───感激广东外语外贸大学为自己提供学习环境。

Zhan Jiang, a professor of media at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, said the public anger showed how expectations had risen.───北京外国语大学新闻系教授展江说,公众的愤怒表反映了人们期望值的增高。

"Turns out we were all fooled, " said Zhan Jiang, a journalism professor at Beijing Foreign Studies University.───“事实证明,我们都被玩了,”北京外国语大学的新闻教授展江说。

However, Ma, 21, a sophomore majoring in Chinese literature at Beijing Foreign Studies University, thinks it's worth the money.───尽管如此,就读于北京外国语大学中文系大二年级,21岁的马琳却认为这个价很值。


Liang Xiaoyan was a teacher at the Foreign Studies Institute who debated the meaning of democracy with her students during the demonstrations.

This article introduces foreign studies on linguistic factors in predicting stuttering loci from the perspectives of initial sound, stress, word class and syntax.