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时间:2022-10-27 12:02:40 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2607字


Praise beauty




The beauty of the scene made him catch his breath.───风景之美令他愕然止息.

Three others like to see some natural attractions of beauty and peacefulness.───另外三个人喜欢美丽、安静的自然景观.

The beauty of the scene filled us with enchantment.───风景的秀丽令我们陶醉.

Eventually passion was distilled into the natural beauty of a balmy night.───最后激情融入了美丽宜人的夜色中。

The beauty of the scenery beggars description.───风景之美非笔墨所能形容.

My hangover next day was a beauty.───我第二天的宿醉(因饮酒过度而引起的头痛、恶心等)简直要了我的命.

Her beauty fascinated every boy.───她的美貌使所有的男孩子都着了迷.

Her beauty had quite turned his head.───她的美貌使他神魂颠倒.


They admired the rugged beauty of the coastline.

Beauty is in the beholder’s eye.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder [gazer].

Painting helps fill a spiritual need for beauty.

Beauty is not concrete, but a window is.