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时间:2022-10-27 16:01:09 作者:趣历史 字数:2933字


Promise to do sth




We tried to ensure that everyone got a fair deal.───我们曾尽力保证每个人都受到公平待遇。

His task is to ensure the fair use and storage of personal information held on computer.───他的任务是确保计算机里的个人信息得到合理利用和妥善存储。

The drill should be slowly rotated to ensure a clean hole.───钻头必须缓慢转动,以保证钻孔平整光滑。

This medicine will ensure you a good night's sleep.───这药能保证你睡一夜好觉.

Ensure that the frame is securely fixed to the ground with bolts.───确保用螺栓把框架牢牢地固定在地面上。

We will fight to the bitter end to ensure our children get what is rightfully theirs.───我们会斗争到底,确保我们的孩子得到理应属于他们的东西。

Ensure all photographic material is properly packed and sent by recorded delivery.───确保把所有的摄影资料包装妥当并挂号寄出.

Before travelling we must ensure the availability of petrol and oil.───旅行前,我们必须确保能够买到汽油和机油.


The price is low to ensure a quick sale.

Government inspections ensure a high degree of uniformity in the standard of service.

Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene.

I cannot ensure his being on time.

You need to ensure that a patient feels relaxed enough to discuss things fully.