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时间:2022-10-27 20:00:30 作者:语文迷 字数:3225字


We should have a sense of self-protection


自我保护───Self protection;意识───consciousness


To reinforce legal education and improve the sense of self - protection.───加强法制教育,增强 自我 防范意识.

The bomb is for self-protection and it also has a deterrent effect.───炸弹是用来自卫的,而且它还有威慑作用。

At level 2, the conversation changes to make room for self-protection.───在2级水平上,对话开始为自我保护留出空间。

Objective : To expound the necessity and the importance of nurses self - protection and hygiene in operating room.───目的: 阐述手术室护士自身防护和自我保健的重要性.

The knowledge they have acquired ensures their ability of self - protection.───他们已具有的知识保证了他们的 自我 保护能力.

She carries pepper spray for self - protection.───为了自卫,她随身携带防氓喷雾器.

Good explosion proof, safety and security , self - protection against temperature, pressure and etc provided.───防爆性能好, 安全可靠 、 温度 、 压力等自动保护项目齐全可靠.

And isn't a certain amount of fear just healthy self protection?───适量的恐惧,不是一种健康的自我保护 吗 ?


The significance of narcissistic humanics is realized via self appreciation by the being main body to strengthen self protection and figure for better development.

Conclusions Medical students' cognition toward atypical pneumonia were relatively all round, they have higher self protection consciousness and feeling of social responsibility.

The ice maker control system provides functions such as self diagnoses, malfunction waming and self protection.