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时间:2022-10-28 08:01:05 作者:语文迷 字数:3223字


Research spirit


钻研───Delve into;精神───spirit


AE : Those are deep issues to delve into.───那些是必须钻研探索的深奥课题.

Then I'll delve into some of the details.───然后再讨论一些细节问题。

Delve into the technical world and learn more about the vehicle of your choice.───深入技术世界,洞悉更多您对车辆的选择.

For many people, thrift stores offer an easy way to delve into frugal fashion.───对很多人来说, 廉价店为挖掘出节约的时尚提供了一条容易的道路.

People are vying to delve into the secret of China's success, making various judgments.───人们争相探究中国成功的奥秘, 做出种种判断.

We'll now delve into each of these in more detail.───现在我们来更详细地研究一下上述的每个方面。

We would like to delve into why this is so that ascending initiates will better understand.───我们很愿意深入研究为何如此,以便提升门徒可以更好地理解.

Experienced users who to delve into details never cease to be amazed by their depth.───那些愿意深入钻研细节的有经验的用户常常为软件的深度感到吃惊.


We will delve into all three areas in Part 2.

Which is why people delve into the two system start-up files and edit commands out.

We shall need also to delve into the foundations of mathematics, and even to question the very nature of physical reality.

But I think we must delve into the past for some link with what is happening here today.

When scientists delve into studies of the co-evolution of plants and their pollinators, they have something of a chicken/egg problem—which evolved first, the plant or its pollinator?