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时间:2022-10-28 08:04:46 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2882字


How do you go to school? I walk to school


走路去───Go on foot;学校───school


The museum is quite near. Why not go on foot?───博物馆很近, 为什么不走着去 呢 ?

her mother gave her a knife, and said, "Cut a piece off your heel. When you are queen you will no longer have to go on foot."───她妈妈给了她一把刀,说,“把脚后跟削掉一部分,只要你当上了王后,还在乎这脚趾头干嘛,你想到哪儿去根本就不需要用脚了。”

The car wouldn't start, so finally we decided to go on foot.───车子不能发动, 所以我们终于决定走着去.

My bicycle is broken, so I have to go on foot.───我的自行车坏了, 所以我不得不步行.

takes half an hour to go on foot from my home to my school and back.───从我家到学校来回要走半小时。

It takes half an hour to go on foot from my home to my school and back.───从我家到学校来回要走半小时.

I don't care for riding on a bike very much; I'd rather go on foot.───我不太喜欢骑自行车, 宁愿步行.

Shall we go on foot or go by bus?───我们是走路还是乘公共汽车?


We will go on foot.

I don't care for riding on a bike very much; I'd rather go on foot.

Work places in close proximity to go on foot or by bike go. An environmentally - friendly exercise.

We decided to go on foot.