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时间:2022-10-28 20:03:12 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2325字


Draw a moon


画一个月亮───Draw a moon


And I would draw the sculpted bow to a full moon, With a northwest gaze, to shoot the Celestial Wolf.───我将使尽力气拉满雕弓,朝着西北瞄望,奋勇射杀敌人天狼。

The Sun's return to your romantic sector on Friday sets the scene for next week's New Moon, which is destined to draw a major line in the sand.───星期五,太阳在你的浪漫区的回归为下一个星期的新月做好准备,这注定是在沙子里画了关键的一划。

Can human beings live on the moon? Its too early to draw a conclusion.───人类是否能月球上生存?现在下结论还为时过早。

The moon is round yesterday, both big and bright, today should be used in the sky than a compass to draw a moon as like as two peas.───昨天的月亮已经够圆了,又大又明亮,今天应该可以用圆规比着在天空画出一个一模一样的月亮了吧。
