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时间:2022-10-29 00:01:28 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2788字






Mr. Smith proposed, and Mr. Green seconded, vote of thanks to the lecturer.───史密斯先生提出对那位演说者作感谢的表决, 格林先生附议之.

The lecturer responded to my question.───演讲者回答了我的问题.

The lecturer spouted for hours.───讲师滔滔不绝地讲了几个小时.

As both a novelist and a university lecturer, she has another string to her bow.───身兼小说家及大学讲师, 她有一个可替换的办法.

Dewey was an unimpressive, rather dull lecturer.───杜威是个没特色的,有些无聊的讲师。

As both a novelist and a university lecturer, she has two strings to her bow.───身兼小说家及大学讲师, 她有不止一个办法.

Two students waited behind to put more questions to the lecturer.───两个学生留下来等着问演讲者更多的问题.

Tom is and away the best lecturer in our department.───毋庸置疑,这是你们系最好的演讲者.


As both a novelist and a university lecturer, she has two strings to her bow.

It took me some time to undergo the metamorphosis from teacher to lecturer.

The lecturer tried to settle the audience down.

The lecturer overran by ten minutes.

Now he's a lecturer, he thinks he's a real hotshot!