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时间:2022-10-29 00:03:25 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3222字


India has the second largest population


大人口───Large population;印度───India


A : That's right. China a large population, you know.───是的. 中国人口太多了, 您是知道的.

Dalian has a large population.───大连人口很多.

Be there a large population in that city?───那城市过去的人口多 吗 ?

While there are advantages to having a large population, there are disadvantages as well.───人多有好的一面, 也有不利的一面.

The central plains area is a vast territory with a large population.───中原大地可谓广土众民.

This area chosen because it has a large population of stray cats are healthy well - fed.───之所以选择这里,是因为那有非常多的猫,它们健康而且被喂得很好.

country boasting a vast territory and encompassing a large population, people in many places of China speak their own dialects.───中国幅员辽阔,人口众多,很多地方人们都说自己的方言。

To feed a large population, inferior land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively.───为了提供众多人口的口粮, 必须耕种贫瘠的田地,而且还得过度地使用良田.


You have a very large population of people stuck inside a combat area serving as a buffer between an impending government assault and Tamil Tiger resistance.

A large population of homeless people live in the park.

However, the decision to vaccinate a large population for group C meningococcal disease is difficult.

With a large population of working Dakotas still ploughing faithfully on, the marketplace for turbo conversions has great potential.

A large population and underdevelopment are the two facts China has to face.