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时间:2022-10-30 00:03:16 作者:语文迷 字数:2414字


School benefits


校益───School benefits


Benefits: arranged through school cooperative program or organizations, often no conflict with academic schedule; can come with a basic salary.───优点:由学校的合作项目或机构安排,通常不会与教学计划产生冲突,而且还有底薪。

The benefits school education deliver to us are not just limited to imparting knowledge, but the greatest one is that the opportunity it gives us to make friends.───学校教育给我们的好处,不但只是灌输知识,最大的好处,恐怕还在给与我们求友的机会一点上。

But more people think that concurrent post after school benefits greater than disadvantage, cast aside making money to no comment.───而更多的人认为课外兼职利大于弊,抛开赚钱不说。

Working at the school benefits the teachers as well: at the end of the year, they will receive valuable certification.───学校的工作让老师们也受益:今年年底他们将获得颇有价值的证书。
