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时间:2022-10-30 12:04:45 作者:学习啦 字数:3380字


an unemployed person


匏系───an unemployed person


An unemployed person with a phone suddenly feels part of the nation," says one top executive.───有手机的失业者突然之间会感觉到自己是国家的一部分。”一位高管说道。

Moreover, there is a stigma in Japan if an unemployed person asks for help: “If you don’t work, you don’t deserve to eat”, the saying goes.───再者,日本有这样一句俗语:“不劳者不得食”。 因此,失业的人寻求帮助在日本是件可耻的事。

This is not surprising since the factthat a person has been unemployed for many months is an indication that he orshe cannot easily find a new job.───这一点都不会让人惊讶,因为一个人一失业就是几个月,这说明他或她不会那么容易找到工作。

"An unemployed person with a phone suddenly feels part of the nation, " says one top executive.───“有手机的失业者突然之间会感觉到自己是国家的一部分。”一位高管说道。

an unemployed person who participates in a hunger march.───参加反饥饿游行的没有工作的人。

Moreover, there is a stigma in Japan if an unemployed person asks for help: "If you don't work, you don't deserve to eat" , the saying goes.───而且在日本,俗话说,“不劳动者不得食,”失业的人寻求帮助会被视为一种耻辱。


Unemployed. Code this only if no other occupation is given, e. g. an unemployed actor is coded 17; an unemployed person who commits a crime is coded 24.

The unemployment trap exists when an unemployed person on benefit would be worse off in a low-paid job.

"An unemployed person with a phone suddenly feels part of the nation, " says one top executive.

This move alone will not ensure that the working partner of an unemployed person is not penalized for working.