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时间:2022-10-30 20:02:04 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3080字


Implement a strategy




Next week, health ministers gather in Amsterdam to agree a strategy for controlling malaria.───下周,卫生部长们将在阿姆斯特丹聚首共商防治疟疾的策略。

This strategy looks increasingly moth-eaten.───这种策略显得越来越老套。

I admired the general who was a master of strategy.───我敬佩那位精通兵法的将军.

He gave a more lucid exposition of the party's strategy than Bush has managed in months of obfuscation.───相对于布什几个月来的语焉不详,他对该党的策略作了较为清晰的阐述。

It did not persuade them to abandon the war but it did force them to reappraise their strategy.───那并没有说服他们放弃战争,但的确迫使他们重新评估了自己的战略。

Community involvement is now integral to company strategy.───参与社会活动如今已是公司战略中必不可少的内容。

Now the leadership wants to look forward, and to outline a strategy for the rest of the century.───现在领导层想要展望未来,为本世纪余下的时间勾画出战略纲要。

It must be a strategy to make me let him go on holiday alone.───这一定是他用的计,好叫我让他独自一个人去度假.


I went home and mapped out my strategy.

Strategy wins wars; tactics wins battles.

He is an expert in military strategy.

The coach called a time-out to discuss strategy.

The president held an emergency meeting to discuss military strategy with his defence commanders yesterday.