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时间:2022-10-30 20:03:55 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:2605字


be worthwhile


合得───He de;着───means


he nor his archrival, Giuseppe De Rita, won.───他和他的头号对手朱塞佩·德·丽塔都没有赢。

He suggested to Malcolm McDowell, who played Alex de Large, that he add in a little dance spontaneously during the next take.───他建议扮演亚历克斯·德·拉杰的马尔科姆·麦克道尔在接下来的拍摄中即兴加入一点舞蹈。

Sometimes, Ukim misses the beaches and tropical weather in Rio de Janeiro, but he likes life in New York.───基姆有时会想念里约热内卢的海滩和热带天气,但他喜欢纽约的生活。

Localization to a number of languages: en, ru, he, de.───本地化的一些语言:英,如,他日。

Make people happy or shameful! So sweet, I and He De could be?───让人好高兴也好生惭愧呀!这样的馨香,我又何德何能受之?

turned some years later, the colourful coral reefs were dead and grey. He de.───故乡时,(他发现)五颜六色的珊瑚礁死了,变成了灰色。他决定。


Can laborer undertake occupational disease diagnose in He De?