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时间:2022-10-31 04:02:53 作者:学习啦 字数:3057字






The dug-outs were secure from everything but a direct hit.───被直接击中,这些防空洞可以说是绝对安全的。

Most digital read - outs on laboratory instruments, calculators and watches use LED display.───实验仪器 、 计算机、手表的数字读出大多是二极管显示.

Despite all the improvement, rubber still has a number of bad outs.───虽然橡胶已有许多改进, 但它仍有许多缺点.

He knows the ins and outs of effective marketing.───他摸清楚了有效的市场调查.

He sowed more wheat than outs.───他种的小麦多于燕麦.

Even with modern methods , such " blow - outs ", as the oil - man calls them, still happen sometimes.───即使采用现代方法, 石油界称为 “ 井喷 ” 的这种事故仍时有发生.

Do blundering old military dug - outs love the successful young captains who supersede them?───难道那些作战失利的老行伍会爱那些取代他们的青云直上的青年军官 吗 ?

Wang Qiang and Li Ming, who were at outs with each other for a long time, have now become good friends.───王强与李明两人过去长期不和, 现在成了好朋友.


He does not forget how many outs there are, or who is on what base.

Lizzie and Tyler are on the outs again.

Earn outs are impractical if the business will be operated as a division of the purchaser rather than a stand alone subsidiary.

Wilson is on the outs with his family because of his relationship with that woman.

Three outs, and everyone drives home.