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时间:2022-10-31 04:05:17 作者:星火作文 字数:3069字


An apprentice


焌徒───An apprentice


I started off as an apprentice and worked my way up.───我从学徒做起,然后一步一步做上来的。

He was an apprentice pirate aboard John Avery's ship.───他曾在约翰·埃弗里的船上当学徒。

By age 15, he had become an apprentice to Sylvain Bailly, a well-known dessert chef with a successful bakery in one of Paris's most fashionable neighborhoods.───从15岁开始,他就成为了西尔文·贝利的学徒。西尔文贝利是一位著名的甜点厨师,在巴黎最时尚的街区之一有一家成功的面包店。

This was a big advantage as I was an apprentice engineer and did not earn much money.───这是一个很大的优势,因为我是一名见习工程师,并没有赚到钱。

And I found it in a man, the farmer's name is Joel Salatin, and I spent a week as an apprentice on his farm.───我从一个农夫那里找到了,他的名字是JoelSalatin,我在他的农场里当了一个星期的学徒。

Vergere took Jacen Solo as an apprentice of sorts, teaching him in her frustratingly indirect ways her unique philosophies.───维婕尔把杰森·索洛当成自己的徒弟,用隐晦艰涩的方式教授她自己独特的哲学。


Giambi, for now, is an apprentice to the superstars.

You can become an apprentice San Francisco character.

In 1828 he began five years as an apprentice apothecary with the Apothecaries' Company of London.

He became an apprentice tailor at the age of 10 or 11.

She works in the hairdresser's as an apprentice.