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时间:2022-10-31 12:02:53 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3061字






Bonus for 2 items for Rune Mage: 10 % Spell Power increase.───矮人英雄装备两件物品的奖励: 英雄的法力增加10%.

Added base item type to highlight info for rune word items.───为如尼字母词项目强调信息添加卑劣项目类型.

But remove the word rune, and you're looking at a system that simply upgrades items.───撇开“符文”这个词, 你讨论的不过就是个升级装备的系统.

Each rune had its own magical significance.───每个北欧文字都有各自的巫术意义.

Deepflame – Rune Priests, the religious leaders of the Dwarves.───深火–咒符牧师, 矮人的宗教领袖.

Forgot to say , Temenos strike takes one blood, one unholy and one frost rune.───恐惧打击消耗血 、 不洁、冰霜符文个一.

When upgrading runes gotten in - game the cost of the old rune will now be refunded.───当升级游戏中取得的符石时,那个旧符石的花费点数将被退还.

Frozen Rune + Major Fire Protection Potions also work if the tank has enough base HP.───当MT血足够的时候.


Wasn't Rune Christensen as much a player of games as the man he purported to despise?

Two of these bottles are inscribed with the rune of Tzeentch, one with the rune of Slaanesh.

A rune weapon will lose its powers for this time, and other rune-based magic items will be similarly affected.

Rune had already demonstrated to her that he was far from cold-blooded.

Rune, mouth tender, eyes laughing as he had watched the children playing at the funfair in Tivoli.