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时间:2022-10-31 12:03:48 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:2472字


You're out of class


下课───class is over;你───you


Finally, the class is over. I am going to start off back to my dormitory.───终于放学了, 我要起驾回宿舍了!

Your homework must be handed in before the class is over.───你们的作业必须在下课之前交上来.

Class is over. Let's play balls.───下课咯,去玩球吧。

Let's go home together after class ( is over ).───下课以后我们一起回家.

My last class is over at 3:30.───我最后一节课是在三点半结束。

Class is over – everyone can go.───下课了,大家可以走了.

Class is over, we play volleyball.───下课了, 我们打排球.

When the class is over, the students all run to the nice playground.───下课了, 学生们全都冲向那漂亮的操场.


Before the class is over, the teacher usually allows time for his remarks to seep through.

After the two-day class is over, Hawley offers additional runs for an extra charge.