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时间:2022-10-31 12:04:04 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2407字


Alarm watch


闹表───Alarm watch


Alarm watch, I wish you are not insomnia or lazy to go work in the morning.───闹钟代表我希望你不失眠或懒地早上不去工作。

When you do something you haven't done before, your ego goes into a state of alarm: “Watch out! Danger!” and then fear kicks in.───当你在尝试做你从前从未做过的事情之前,你的内心会进入这样的警报情境“小心!危险!”然后恐惧就会侵入你的内心。

It's also useful if you want to put it down on your nightstand to watch a movie or use as an alarm clock, it stands.───他依旧适用与当你想要把他放在你的床边小桌上看电影或者充当闹钟,他会那样站立。

When you do something you haven't done before, your ego goes into a state of alarm: "Watch out! Danger! " and then fear kicks in.───当你在尝试做你从前从未做过的事情之前,你的内心会进入这样的警报情境“小心!危险!”然后恐惧就会侵入你的内心。
