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时间:2022-11-01 12:03:37 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2747字


What did you cook




The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.───这些电厂烧产自鲁尔地区的煤。

Be careful not to burn your mouth.───小心别烫痛嘴.

Traditional slash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.───传统的刀耕火种农业方式耗尽了土地的肥力。

Incineration plants should be built to burn household waste.───应该建焚化厂来焚烧生活垃圾。

I've never seen anyone spend so much in one evening; he must have money to burn!───我从未见过一晚上就挥霍掉这么多钱的人, 他一定有的是钱.

Burn off the old paint, fill any cracks in the woodwork, and rub down well with sandpaper.───将这件木器原来的漆烧掉, 填补好上面的裂缝, 再用砂纸磨光.

The power stations burn coal from the Ruhr region.───发电站烧的煤产自鲁尔地区。

The murderer was sentenced to burn.───杀人犯被判处电极刑.


How did you burn your hand?

That burn will leave a nasty scar.

Don't burn your bridges behind you.

Now you can burn your photos onto a CD-ROM.

Sunshine can burn you, food can poison you, words can condemn you, pictures can insult you ; music cannotpunish ---- only bless.