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时间:2022-11-01 12:04:49 作者:语文迷 字数:2936字


Er Nai


二柰───Er Nai


Once the news came out, it sparks the debate on line. Some netizens said jokingly that the class specializes in training mistress (Er Nai), also some said it is the home of “Eye Candy”.───此新闻一出,立即引来网友的热议,有网友戏称这是培养“二奶”班,也有网友说这是打造“花瓶”班?

nai are not socially accepted, but they are not scandalous, either.───二奶不为社会接受,但她们也不构成什么丑闻。

This not only jeopardized the legal rights of the women in the marriage. The rights of the er nai and their illegitimate children couldn't be realized either," says Chen Mingxia.───陈明霞说:“这不仅损害了女性在婚姻中的合法权利,二奶及其私生子的权利也无法得到保障。”

An er nai is a modern concubine, someone that a man decides to take in addition to his wife, while the first wife is still around.───二奶是当代的情妇,就是被某一个男人看中了的,决定让她做妻子以外的女人,同时原来的妻子仍然在堂。

Given that er nai have such a large amount of buying power, are there any brands or businesses targeting them directly?───考虑到二奶有如此强大的购买力,有专门直接针对她们的品牌或生意么?

Many Chinese businessmen have to travel all around the country, so it makes sense to have an er nai in each major city.───很多中国生意人在全国跑来跑去,这就意味着他们有可能在其中某一个大城市包有二奶。
