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时间:2022-11-01 12:04:07 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2696字


Tang Yin


唐殷───Tang Yin


art style of Tang Yin is represented by "Huailoutu", in which feelings mingle with scenes and poems mingle with drawings.───图轴》充分体现出唐寅绘画情景交融、诗画共汇的艺术风格。

Tang Yin creatively captured the meaning of the garden's name by portraying Wang asleep with the dreamy emanation of an immortal floating in the sky.───唐寅画睡着的王,梦着仙人腾云飘向空中,借以点出花园名字的涵义。

is rare in the history of literature that a person like Tang Yin had dedicated himself to writing an enormous number of articles about flowers.───像唐寅这样以毕生的精力和众多的篇目来写“花”在文学史上是罕见的现象。

He had ever made a selection of Tang Yin, so long ago and so far completely lost, but it showed his favor on the poems of Tang Dynasty.───他曾作过《唐音选》一书,只是年代久远,今已散佚,但足见其对唐诗的青睐。

From Gao Qi to Tang Yin--Trying to Discuss the Literal Significance of Poem Development in the Wuzhong Region───从高启到唐寅--试论吴中诗风演变的意义

A Trial Approach to Mr. Tang Yin's Thought of Political Criticism at Three Levels───唐甄政治批判思想的三个层面展开
