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时间:2022-11-01 16:03:06 作者:知乎OK啦 字数:3042字






Today we have very nice greens , cabbage, cauliflower and watercress.───今天我们准备了上好的油菜 、 椰菜 、 花菜和西洋菜.

Fermented watercress, Chinese prickly ash, chili powder, salt, soy sauce, and adequate.───豆豉、豆瓣 、 辣椒粉 、 花椒粉 、 盐 、 酱油各适量.

Eating a portion of watercress every day could help protect against cancer, according to new research.───一项最新研究显示,每天食用一部分豆瓣菜可以帮助预防癌症.

But the watercress study only lasted six months, and cancer typically takes much longer to deelop.───但是对豆瓣菜的研究也只有六个月, 并且典型癌症可能需要更长时间才能发生.

For example, tomatoes tomatoes do not like wet soil. But but watercress as the name suggests.───例如, 西红柿不喜欢湿润的土壤, 而水田芥却如其名一般,喜好湿润土壤.

We started with watercress soup which contained every possible vegetable known to man and beast.───我们开始时喝水田芥叶汤,里面还放入有各种蔬菜,简直是应有尽有.

Japanese Scallops à la Plancha , Green Lentils and Wild Watercress in Foie Gras Emulsion.───法式银鳕鱼薯蓉伴烩红椒 、 煎蛋配西班牙辣肉肠.

But the feast did include fish, berries, watercress, lobster, dried fruit, clams, venison, and plums.───第一次庆典上有鱼 、 草莓 、 豆瓣菜 、 龙虾 、 干果 、 蛤 、 鹿肉 、 李子等.


Reserve some watercress for garnish.