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时间:2022-11-01 16:04:08 作者:美篇推荐 字数:2533字


Your future wife




That face called up in his mind the image of his end wife.───那张脸使他想起了他亡妻的形象.

He called out for his wife.───他大声呼叫他的妻子.

He was kind with his wife and children.───他对妻子儿女很好.

She is a faithful wife.───她是个忠实的妻子.

We went down town to do some Christmas shopping and all the world and his wife were there.───我们去市里购买圣诞用品,那里人山人海.

He'll go to great lengths to get his child back from his former wife.───不管花多大力气,他都要把孩子从前妻那里要回来.

He left a wife and two children.───他遗下一妻二子.

She is a good girl, and will make a hardworking, devoted wife.───她是一个好姑娘, 将来会成为一个勤劳忠贞的贤内助.


The wife is the key of the house.

As is the husband, so is the wife.

He lost his beloved wife last year.

A good wife makes a good husband.

A cheerful wife is the joy of life.