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时间:2022-11-01 16:03:45 作者:豆瓣评书 字数:3018字


Military uniform


军衣───Military uniform


In the evening that unexpectedly entire most beautiful military uniform beautiful woman fault hold spring!───春晚上那个最美的军装美女居然整过容!

The green military uniform causes the picture to form the tone of color.───绿色的军装使画面自然形成了色调.

Since putting on that green military uniform, he has become an honorable soldier.───自从穿上了那身军绿装, 他就成了一名光荣的战士.

Another dispute revolves around his refusal to give up his military uniform.───他想通过曲解法律,达到继续连任的目的.

For two weeks, Mark, military uniform all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day.───整整两个星期里, 身着戎装的马克每天陪着苏珊上班下班.

He pulled clogs, a green military uniform worn down to the anterior.───他拖着木屐, 一件破旧的绿军服垂到膝前.

The development history of military uniform and fashionable status of uniform style are introduced.───介绍了军装的产生和发展历史、军戎风格流行的现状.

Men in the armed forces should wear a military uniform.───军人要穿军装。


He looked grand in his military uniform.

Russion farmer wears an old military uniform and cap.

For two solid weeks, Mark , military uniform all, accompanied Susan to and from work each day.

In another, he sports a military uniform while reading a book.

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