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时间:2022-11-02 08:02:46 作者:豆丁文库尔 字数:3450字






Through Weierstrass circle of students the importance of uniform convergence was made known.───通过威阿斯塔斯周围的学生,人们知道了一致收敛性的重要性.

The series converges uniformly on compact subsets of the interior of the annulus of convergence.───该级数一致收敛于收敛环内的紧子集上。

The iterative process may be continued until some criterion for convergence is met.───这种迭代步骤可继续下去,直到符合某种收敛要求为止.

Convergence and divergence of infinite series depend upon this concept.───无穷级数的收敛性与发散性与此概念有关.

Indeed, courts increasingly see a " convergence " between the arbitrariness test and the substantial evidence test.───实际上, 法院不断地目睹着主观武断标准和主证据标准之间的 " 趋同现象 ".

There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy.───资本主义公司和合作企业在经营战略方面趋于一致。

The number of terms actually used depends upon the rapidity of the convergence.───实际要用的项数的多少取决于收敛的快慢程度.

Today, we are witnessing a genuine convergence - even a merger - of astronomy and physics.───现在我们看到,天文学和物理学互相接近甚至溶合在一起了.


A new political convergence was occuring between East and West, from which Mrs Thatcher was excluded by her market liberalism.

And it was this convergence that engendered a tradition among the working-class electorate of voting Labour.

If there were a single currency without convergence, it would have several serious effects on the smaller countries.

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A megalith marks a convergence point of Icy lines.