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时间:2022-11-02 20:00:43 作者:星火作文 字数:2806字


This girl is me


女孩儿───a young girl;这个───this


That story might raise a blush on a young girl's cheeks.───那个故事可能使少女 听 了脸红.

Feliks reckoned that a young girl would choose romance.───费利克斯想年轻姑娘会选择爱情的.

The past, the importance of avoiding involvement with a young girl, made Peter hesitate.───往事, 也就是千万不能同年轻姑娘厮混在一起, 使彼得犹豫起来.

She is a bit long in the tooth to play the part of a young girl.───她扮演少女的角色年龄太大了一点.

To his astonishment, the author turned out to be a young girl.───他感到惊讶的是, 作者原来是一位年轻的姑娘.

Her daughter gives Matthew a present , the drawing of a young girl.───mellisa告诉他那个地方被诅咒很久了.

I had wonderful memories of the city as a young girl.───我的少女时代充满了对这座城市的美好回忆.

On the card is printed a young girl in white gown.───半透明纸上印着精美的西文行草请柬.


A young girl came up to me and asked for money.

What does a young girl like you want with an old crock like me?

A young girl was dittybopping.

He was superseded by a young girl for the post.

He was pensioned off and replaced with a young girl.