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时间:2022-11-02 20:02:09 作者:优美文章达人 字数:2603字


When ice hockey goals


冰球───Ice hockey;进球───goal


Note 2 . A men's ice hockey tournament was also held at the 1920 Summer Olympics.───1920年夏季奥运会时也曾进行过男子冰球比赛.

Ms Wang's father was an ice hockey coach at the school.───王冰玉的父亲曾该校的冰球教练.

I started playing ice hockey in a community league.───我开始在一个社团里打冰球.

Ice hockey is a typical male sports.───冰球是一种典型的男性运动.

They have the best figure skaters and the best ice hockey teams in the world.───他们有世界上最棒的花样滑冰运动员和冰球队.

Ice hockey joined the project since 1920.───冰球项目自1920年加入.

Two events should be mentioned about ice sport, they are ice hockey and bobsledding.───还有两项冰雪运动值得一提:冰球和雪橇运动.

With his continuous support to China National Women's Ice Hockey Team Ice Hockey in China, Mr.───胡文新先生热爱冰球事业, 给予中国女子冰球队大力支持.


I've never played ice hockey - it's far too dangerous.